S13.s1 - Activities: Reading

  • Due Jul 12, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 20
  • Questions 5
  • Available until Jul 12, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Read a holiday report about Carlos and Ana.

I went to Rome  with my girlfriend last August.  We flew to Rome with British Airways.

We stayed in a small hotel for a week. It was near a gym but we couldn’t go there because it was only for members.  We had to do exercise near a park.  The hotel was nice and  cheap.

During the day we walked around the city. We could see all the famous places like the Colosseum and St. Peter’s.  We also threw a coin in the Trevi fountain.  We took a lot of photos. That day  in the afternoon  we also had to go to the embassy to register our new passport.  

After that, my girlfriend Ana bought some very expensive shoes. In the evening we took a nap.

We had a great time.  We couldn’t visit the main square but we would like to visit it again in  our next  holiday.

Rome is full of history and it has a special atmosphere, and Italian food is wonderful.  We only had two problems:  It was very hot, and it was very difficult to cross the road.

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