S07.s1 - Listening Activity

  • Due May 27, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 20
  • Questions 5
  • Available May 27, 2020 at 5pm - May 27, 2020 at 11:59pm 6 hours and 59 minutes
  • Time Limit 10 Minutes


Listen to the conversation and complete the conversation with the phrases you hear Do not forget to use capital letters if it is necessary.



Dana :   So what do you want to do tonight!

Logan :  Let's just relax - we just finished that huge project.

Dana  : ________. let's go out - please.

Logan : ___________. Where do you want to go?

Dana : Let's go to the movie.

Logan : ____________. What's playing?

Dana: Let me check. Oh the new sci-fi movie at the Cineplex.

Logan : ______________else! I'm not really in the mood for science fiction tonight.

Dana : OK, how about the new Bond movie! Tha's playing at 7.

Logan : ____________! I definetely want to see that.

Dana : OK, so let's do that. Then go for a pizza.

Logan: Sounds like a plan!


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